Tuesday, 23 March 2004

Valencia 3 - Lost for hours

So finally people started leaving so we could move, we ran to the bus, got there late and made our guide mad! But whatever she was wrong cuz the Crema was at ONE am not 12 am! HELLO aren't you Spanish, don't you know about Spanish time? She was like, you are very malaeducada and we dont do that in Spain blah blah blah you held up the bus...But that wasnt even the worst part of the night....We didnt get to out hotel until FOUR HOURS LATER!!! Yeah the bus driver got lost and we were driving around wondering where we were going, soo tired and he kept stopping at random gas stations to ask for directions. Then he would stop to ask random people in the street...that should have been the first clue that our hotel was a piece of crap and was basically a hostel! It was in the small no-name town in the middle of nowhere, who knows how many hours away from Valencia! When I signed up for this trip, it said that we would be in a ´centrally located hotel´...whatever mentirosos! So we went to bed at 6am and the lady said we had to get up at 9am to eat breakfast and go to another city! So after 3 hours of sleep, (I couldnt even take out my contacts because it needs 4 hours to clean)we ate and drove to the next town called...who knows because there was absolutely nothing to do there for FOUR hours! Ask me why we had to get up and see this small no-name town, I have no idea...we just sat at the port. I am not kidding when I say there was nothing to do, because when we got there everything was closed for siesta, except the travel agency who asked why we came there in the first place because when we had to leave THAT´s when everything finally opened from siesta. So we drove there hearing the guide (Ill call her Pesada) Pesada talk about the naranjoson the right and the left. I counted how many times she said the word naranjo (orange tree fields) FIFTEEN TIMES! An that's only when I started counting. She just LOVED the sound of her own voice, because obviously if people woke up they would see tons of orange trees. Everyone in the bus was tired and trying to sleep, but she would scream MIRA into the mic and wake everyone up to see fields of...oranges. YOU HAVE to be kidding me! Can someone please tape her mouth shut and throw her in the orange fields? When Pesada was done, she left the mic on and the sounds of the bus itself would rumble through the bus, SO freaking annoying ARGG! I was so tired, I just wanted to sleep without her talking! Pesada talked so much in that mic that she BROKE it and we didnt have a mic after that! YEAY!