AY YAY YAY! I cant believe that I am wearing someone elses abrigo(coat)! You know that black coat I have (that Chris really likes, haha) well I was at a discoteca yesterday and my coat was way up high with a million other coats hanging off the lights, right!? Well, I was leaving and I had this guy hand me my coat and scarf, I was really tired, it was like 6 in the morning and I just put on my coat and we went home and to sleep. Today, I woke up and put on my jacket and realized that something wasnt quite right. I was missing the belt in the back and on the sleeves...I looked in the pockets and there were two bright red gloves! Whaaa?? I was wearing someone else's coat EW! And someone out there in Salamanca has mine!!! I went back to the bar to do a coat exchange but there weren't any coats left, so I gave my cell number away just in case. So now I HAVE to wear it because its freezing here and I dont know what else I can do?? At least I can get it dry cleaned. Well anyway back to Carnaval, I guess there were over 2 million people at that huge party in Santa Cruz! Also,when we left we missed this huge procession, where everyone wears black,and its really somber, and the people bury this dead fish.. a sardine tobe exact. Suposedly it represents the death of the fiesta! I wish I could have seen it, I would have been mourning too!
Wanna hear something really funny? So at the discotecas, when a song like "It's raining men, Hallelujah, its raining men."(you know that 70s-ish diva song) comes on THE SPANISH MEN SING AND DANCE TO IT in little groups!!!! I am not kidding! Even to all the Britney Spears or Beyonce pop songs, they dance to it in a little circle of GUYS together moving their hips! I almost cannot believe my eyes, all of the American girls are cracking up, and the American guys (you can totally tell because they refuse to sing or dance to it) are like HELL NO! I don't care if I am in Spain, I am not dancing or singing to that song!