I never realized how skinny Spanish people are until I went to Portugal, they are normal there, and Portuguese men are so much hotter. Well anyhow, so I saw the Castelo de Sao Jorge, surrounded by the Alfama (medieval district full of crazy maze streets), the Ponte Vasco de Goma (the longest suspension bridge in Europe), the Torre de Belem (a watchtower castle the sits on the water), many beautiful praças (plazas) and the ancient elevadors that run up the sides of hills (people take instead of walking up the steep hills or stairs), after all Lisbon is the City of Seven Hills. I also got offered drugs by a random Portuguese man in the Plaza, saw rats scuttling along the rocks on the beach, and a self cleaning port-a-potty that was, of course, extremely clean (Why can't we have that in the States?), got hissed at (guys hiss to get your attention instead of saying hi or whistling) which is actually really annoying, but okay whatever it a cultural thing (people do it all the time in Spain too). So I ate another box of cereal(yummy), with some 39 cent leche(milk) (kinda sketchy, but what can you do?), and now I carry a little Multicentrum bottle full of Cola Cao (chocolate drink) for whenever I travel... yes I have somewhat adapted to that Spanish tradition for my coffee. I also had my new addiction of melocoton juice with uva(peach and grape...it sounds weird, but it is really good!), and Nutella with everything (banana, orange, bread, cereal you name it, and I can eat it with Nutella). I hope you have discovered the joys of Nutella, cuz yes it is in the US! Portugal is another world, so cultural and interesting, I probably understood about 80% of what people were saying, depending on how they spoke, so yeay me and yeay for anyone who speaks Spanish because you can understand the Portuguese! I even took a survey at the train station in Portuguese!