Sunday, 11 April 2004

Paris 2 - Eiffel Tower

Paris is so different from Spain, the food (lots of sauces), the times (they go to bed early), money (it is so expensive), and the SMELL! OMG! I thought I was going to PUKE in the metro it was worse than the train to Portugal, I dont know HOW people ate there! BLECCH! Que ASCO! The metro was like another world, with entertainment, markets and people. To make spare change, people would go from compartment to compartment making french remixes of American rap songs complete with the saxophone and dancing- it had to be the funniest thing I've ever seen! There were little markets with coffee, verduras and fruits, and mini-souvenir shops. UNDERGROUND! So we saw the beautiful golden opera house, the gardens of Concorde and Tuileries, Napolean´s grave, the Arc de Triumph, the glass pyramid Louvre Museum, the Musee d Orsay, the rio Siene (which is supposedly so polluted that you would die of poison before drowning), the Egyptian obelisk, Champs Elysees (famous area that is like the Rodeo Drive of Paris), and por fin the Eiffel Tower. When I saw it from far away I was like, oh it's just like the one in Las Vegas, but no! This one was like 10 times bigger and ten times uglier! Why would you ever want to go up that thing? It was painted this ugly brown color, and it cost 10.40 euro to go to the very top. But supposedly it was beautiful at night, so we went during sunset up the first elevator to the second floor, and switched to the top elevator which took about a half hour to get there cuz of the long line and it was freezing and windy! So we finally made it to the top, which was great because you could see all of Paris. It had flags from tons of countries/cities and details of how far away in km the country was (LA was like 9105 km). Anyhow, there was grafitti from visitors all over the world on top, and we all wrote our own graffitti message and waited for the sun to go down. I'm thinking, this had better be good, because it's freezing and windy and I'm over it. Then, the sun goes down, tower lights up, and so does Paris, and it SPARKLES. It sparkles for like 10 minutes every hour! It is tan beautiful and everyone is quiet, watching in awe at the magic of it. How can this daylight eyesore turn into such a moonlight jewel? After that, it's not so cold and I can't really feel the wind. It reminds me of a Christmas tree, a giant Christmas tree that sparkles every night and reminds me that something ugly can always be made into something beautiful.