Monday, 10 May 2004


My second flamenco was SOO much better than the first (not that the first was bad)...but they were doing some really cool things, like this one senora twisted her body completely around BACKWARDS (kinda like the Exorcist girl), it was INSANE! Here is my recipe for getting a good flamenco dance. I think flamenco is a mixture of: stomp, the robot and riverdancing (Irish jig) when you´re really angry. It´s actually a good stress reliever, I´ve tried it! 1) Get really mad. You have to put on your mad face the WHOLE TIME! No smiling! 2) Throw your arms any which way you want and make them STIFF, except for your hands which move like snakes. 3)Now start making up your own rhythm and stomping slowly 4)Think of something that really REALLY pisses you off! (Bad grades, bad boyfriend, bad luck) 5) Stomp harder and as fast as you can moving your arms dramatically like the robot dance (except your hands) 6) Now pretend that there are flies all over you and hit your body in various places! While doing this scream: ´vale´ and ´ole´ 6) Okay stop hitting yourself before you have bruises, and start slowing down the rhythm 7) After you´re done releasing your anger, slow down the rhythm 8) Just take a deep breath, and just move your hands and realize that you´re at peace with the world 9) the END! GREAT flamenco dance! Remember the keys are INTENSE PASSION and ANGER!

Saturday, 1 May 2004

Pancake Day!!

PANCAKE DAY! YES!! So at the beginning of our trip, Erin gave Nico this batch of blueberry pancake mix and maple syrup kit. This entire time, we have been craving pancakes and have been wondering what the heck she did with our gifts. So randomly one day the pancake mix (and my Mint, Chocolate Coffee, and Colorado tea) shows up in the kitchen and Nico says we can make it! QUE GUAY! We actually get to use the kitchen and cook! So we made a big plan to get up early and make them today at 9am. I felt like it was Christmas ... I was talking about pancakes all week and we both got up an hour earlier because we were too excited to make them. So first of all, Nico thinks the Chocolate Mint Coffee is chocolate, she didnt know it was coffee until she opened it. She didnt know what the heck the pancakes or syrup were because obviously she couldnt read English, OR BLUEBERRIES!!! There are no such thing as blueberries here, I couldnt even find the word in my Spanish dictionary, just berries (bayas). Anyway so we are all in the kitchen using olive oil for oil, brown eggs (their eggs have barcodes ON THE EGGS) and a wooden spoon for a spatula (Nico doesn't own a spatula). I never realized making pancakes is such an ART, until I saw Nico try! So Erin pours the batter and Nico jumps right in there trying to cook these pancakes. She starts whipping the fork around the batter so that it spills all over the pan. Then when the pancake starts to rise on the other side, she takes the wooden spoon and starts beating the pancake so it's flatter than a potato chip! I felt like she was hitting ME, by ruining our pancakes. I was like, no no necesitas dar golpes (No, you dont need to hit it). But I didnt want to be rude, until I saw our soggy pancakes! Then I was like LET ME DO IT! So then after that she tried to direct me to spill the batter everywhere with the fork, and I was like NO! YO PUEDO HACERLO, por favor! So yeah, it was hilarious, us fighting over the best way to make pancakes! Then Erin and I pour the syrup and start scarfing down these pancakes and Nico is like EWWW! Honey! I dont like honey! We were like: No, its different than honey, just try it! So she did, and hated it, but said she was glad for the experience! Oh well, more for Erin and I who ate them all! YUM! Now I have a stomachache...